down with a viral...fever,assorted aches and pains and looking like something even the cat wouldnt drag in
why the goofy grin then,you might ask..
because it gives me an excuse to take a long overdue break and head home to chennai..if you must suffer,may as well make the most of it huh?*supremely satisfied grin*
there's a motherfunk playing with his bike horn outside.
allow me a minute to scream at him
Yummy! I love nice yells. Frees the tension in my chest and makes me feel like Eddie Vedder
Sorry... where were we? Ah...
when im reasonably fuzzy-headed, (usually its alcohol,but at the moment being drugged on antibiotics is the culprit) im charitable with blessings..
Dr.C, God bless you,you've been an angel for taking care of me at despite the cranky,whiney tantrums all week.big hug
and shilps,
enjoy Goa babygirl,will miss you,weekends are never as much fun minus the baby sista
Avoir un mal fou!:)